Back of forearm (extensor) muscles are arranged in to superficial and deep groups:

Superficial group:

  1. Brachioradialis
  2. Extensor carpi radialis longus
  3. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
  4. Extensor digitorum
  5. Extensor digiti minimi
  6. Extensor carpi ulnaris
  7. Anconeus

Brachio radialis & Extensor carpi radialis longus :

Common origin:

From lateral epicondyle of humerus

Lateral supracondylar ridge

Lateral intermuscular septum

Insertion of brachioradialis:

Styloid process of radius

Extensor carpi radialis longus – Insertion:

Dorsal surface of base of 2nd metacarpal bone

Extensor carpi radialis brevis:


Lateral  epicondyle of humerus

Radial collateral ligament of elbow joint


Dorsal surface of the bases of 2,3 metacarpal bones

Extensor digitorum:


From lateral epicondyle of humerus


Divides into 4 digital tendons for medial 4 fingers, and inserted into the dorsal digital expansion.

Extensor digiti minimi:


Common extensor origin


Dorsal digital expansion of little figure.

Extensor carpi ulnaris:

Origin: from common extensor origin and from the posterior border of ulna.

Insertion: Base of fifth metacarpal bone



From lateral epicondyle of humerus


Lateral surface of the olecranon process

upper ¾ of the posterior surface of the ulna



Superficial fibres take origin from:

  • lateral epicondyle
  • radial collateral ligament
  • annular ligament

Deep fibres from:

Anterior part of lateral surface of radius

In between anterior and posterior oblique line

Nerve supply of superficial group:

Brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus – Radial nerve

All the other muscles – Posterior interosseous nerve

Deep Group:

  1. Abductor Pollicis Longus


Posterior surface of both radius and ulna

From intervening interosseous membrane


Radial side of the base of metacarpal bone

Extensor pollicis brevis:


Posterior surface of radius below the abductor pollicis longus

Insertion: Dorsal surface of the base of the proximal phalanx of thumb

Extensor pollicis longus:

Origin: Posterior surface of shaft of ulna below the abductor pollicis longus.

Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of thumb

Extensor indicis:

Origin: Posterior surface of ulna distal to extensor pollicis longus

Insertion: Dorsal digital expansion of index finger

Nerve Supply of Deep group: Posterior interosseous nerve

Anatomical snuff box:

It is a triangular depression on the radial side of the wrist


Laterally – tendons of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis

Medially – tendon of extensor pollicis longus

Roof – skin and fasciae

          Beginning of cephalic vein

          Superficial branch of radial nerve

Floor – styloid process of radius, scaphoid, trapezium, base of 1 metacarpal bone.

Content – Radial artery

Extensor Retinaculum:

It is the thickening of deep fascia

Situation – Dorsal surface of the wrist, obliquely placed


Laterally – anterior border of the radius above the styloid process

Medially – pisiform and triquetral bones

Structures beneath the extensor retinaculum:

Beneath the retinaculum, six osseo fascial compartments for nine tendons are present

From lateral to medial side following tendons :

1st  Compartment:

 Abductor pollicis longus

Extensor pollicis brevis

2nd Compartment:

          Extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

3rd compartment:

Extensor pollicis longus

4th compartment:

          Four tendons of extensor digitorum and the tendon of extensor indicis

5th compartment:

Extensor digiti minimi

6th Compartment:

Extensor carpi ulnaris


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